.308 DPMS Compatible Receiver Set

.308 DPMS Compatible Billet Receiver Set
Dimensional correct.
Models are tested and proven, ready for CNC.
Models also availableĀ for sale in STEP/IGS file format as well as original SolidWorks Source Files.

  • Bob

    Looking for the STEP/IGS and original SOLIDWORKS ASSEMBLY FILES, email would work out excellent. Thanks in advance,

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      @disqus_506ej2f6Vu:disqus replied via e-mail

      • greg jacobs

        also seeking the same drawings. Can you provide? Thanks! Greg

  • madmax1234

    Hello Nathan

    Please be so kind and send me an PN.
    I want the SWX files please.

    Thank you

  • Steven Kyle Shannon

    Hi Nathan Could I get the Step/IGS and Solid works files as well?

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Steven replied via e-mail.

  • Lucas Brown

    Also looking for a Step or SLDPRT or assembly file.

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Lucas: email sent

  • Chris

    Nathan.. Could you email me the STEP/IGS and original SOLIDWORKS ASSEMBLY FILES as well?


  • michael moore

    can I get a Solidworks model

  • Jeff O’Rand

    Nathan -love this site…………can I get any of these models?

    .step .iges parasolid .sldprt (up to 2012 version of solidworks)

    Let me know, thanks

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Jeff: e-mail sent.

  • joesmith

    Will you please email me the original solidworks models as well? I see that you’re in Argentina…what measurements or drawings did you use to make the model?

  • jeramy

    Nathan.. Could you email me the STEP/IGS ? thank you very much!!!

  • jeremy

    Nathan can i please get the STEP/IGS SLDPRT for this model

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Jeremy: e-mail sent.

  • Bob Smith

    Hi Nathan…great work!!! Could I get a solidworks model of this?

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Bob: E-mail sent.

  • sean

    Nathan.. Could you email me the STL or rhino file? thank you very much!!!

  • Scott O

    Hello Nathan, Nice work. Can you please email the STEP/IGS SLDPRT for this model

  • gregorio

    Hi Nathan, great watching your Solidworks AR15 CAD video.
    Can I get a STEP or IGES files for this set? Thank you!

  • Kadigan

    Hi Nathan, great watching your Solidworks AR15 CAD video, learned a lot.
    Could you please email me STEP or IGES files for this set? Thank you!

  • Jacob Mangin

    Hey Nathan, You did a great job on these models, I was wondering if I could get a an Upper And Lower in a Solid works file, Thanks.

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Jacob: e-mail sent

  • Stephen Lawrence

    Hi Nathan,
    As a Solidworks designer I enjoyed watching your Solidworks AR15 lower video. It was an intelligent production. I learned some good techniques. I am very interested in your modeling style.The pace was good and the music was fun.
    Could you please email me the Solidworks files for AR15 and DPMS 308 receiver sets?
    Thank you!
    Best regards,
    Stephen Lawrence

  • James

    Nathan, nice job on the models! Any chance you could send me the CAD files?

  • Eric Hinds

    Nathan, your work is spectacular could I get all the files on this set as well? Thanks

  • Colby Santaw

    Nathan, May I please get the STEP file format and SolidWorks Source Files? Thank you

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Colby: e-mail sent.

  • Brett

    Nathan, I’d like to get the solidworks parts file for these if possible? Thank you sir.

  • Steven Walker

    Awesome job Nathan! May I please get the STEP files for this as well? Thanks

  • rblain82

    hey man, these are great.. can you please send me the solidworks files also??

  • Nathan Wagner

    Great work on this set. Would you please send me the STEP/IGS files for these? Thank You

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Nathan: e-mail sent.

  • Justin Rockwell

    I would like to receive all of these files as step/igs files is possible, for bolt and carrier and upper and lower recievers both 308 and 556. Thank you again you have done amazing work!

  • Doc Dan

    I also would like the 308 files in IGES. Thank you

    Also, I recommend the Youtube video. Great job!

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Dan: e-mail sent.

  • Asgard

    beautiful work, would greatly appreciate the sldprt files for this šŸ™‚

  • Ed

    Can you please send me a copy of .308 receiver set in Solidworks? This is some beautiful work, Thanks for having this site up.

  • Thomas Webster

    I see this is available in STEP/IGS, Where can I obtain a copy please?

  • Nathan Wager

    interested in the solidworks part file. thank you

  • Ervin Schoeppe

    these look Just like what i’ve been looking for! my solidworks is 2012 could i get this in step or igs?
    Thanks Bill

  • chris


    I was wondering if you could send a copy of the solid works files. I am really interested in trying this out on our CNC in my free time after work.
    Thank you!

  • Benjamin Flores

    would it be posible to get solidworks part files? nice work

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Benjamin: e-mail sent.

  • Edward

    could you send me all the files related to the AR15/AR10 platform in STEP/IGS thanks in advance and I love your designs man

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Edward: e-mail sent.

  • Tony Parker

    Nathan, is it possible to get the cad files in a step format?

    Has anybody machined an a upper and lower in Ti?

    Not for production or any real benefit other than MERICA, and I could….

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Tony: e-mail sent


    Can you please send me the STP files for the 308 set? Dunesailor@gmail.com

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Mike: e-mail sent.

  • Greg Allen

    Hi, beautiful models, was wondering if i could get the STEP/IGS file format for these models?
    Thanks, David

  • Nathan Wager

    Interested in the solidworks part files if possible. Thank you.

  • Curtis

    Looking for the STEP/IGS file format. I would appreciate it very much.

  • Charles Conway

    I was wondering if you could email the STEP/IGS file formats AND the solidworks files?

  • Danny

    Nice design, is it possible to email the Solidwork files as well as the Step/IGS files for the 308 receiver set and the AR15 set

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Danny: e-mail sent.

  • Richard Rudelavage

    can you email me the files in step/igs format please

  • brandon bushbaum

    Absolutely beautiful models!!! Is there any way I can get solidworks and step files of the upper and lower 308 receiver set?

  • Jon Pishney

    Nice work on these, I have been in search of quality models for a while.. Could you email me all of your DPMS 308 models/prints? Appreciate it!

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Jon: e-mail sent.

  • William Baker

    Hello, Seems the Login gives an Invalid request page. Sorry to bug you, would it be possible to get the .308 Set in STEP and also the print? All online so far tried to modify AR-10 models and pass off as DPMS versions and would be nice to be able to cut a true usable receiver. I appreciate the help and have a great day.

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Guys: disqus.com made some changes to their api, now the login is working.

      • William Baker

        Thank You Nathan. Question, when I click to download the model it gives me only an option for the Solidworks file. How do we get the STEP file? I don’t have solidworks and can’t use this file.

        • William Baker

          If needing to be emailed, could you send it to: billbaker37@gmail.com ?

          • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

            William: e-mail sent.

    • Werner

      Please send me the AR 10 files, bolt, carrier, receiver set.
      In all the formats

      Thanks in advance!


      • William Baker

        Hi Werner, I am not the one you need to ask for the files. Nathan F. is the guy you want. I am like you and was interested in the files myself.

        • Werner

          Sorry about that

  • jonathon

    Hello Nathan F, can you please email the step file to : jontaylor08@yahoo.com. Thank you.

  • Werner


    Can someone please send me the files in all formats for the upper,lower and bolt?

    Thanks in advance

  • Brandon

    Nathan F. Very nice work. I was wondering if you could email me the whole .308 set in STEP files.
    I would like the upper, lower, bolt and BCG.

    Once again, really nice drawings.

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Brandon: e-mail sent.

  • NORM

    Hi Nathan,
    Would it be possible to get a STEP file of the DPMS .308 set upper and lower?
    Thanks in advance for your help. njhuhn@comcast.net

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Norm: e-mail sent.

  • Gina

    Hello @nathan_ssi:disqus
    Is it possible to get this model as a SW file?

    Thank you much!

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Gina: e-mail sent.

  • Lngrngshtr

    Can i get the STEP file sent to me?

  • Lngrngshtr

    can i get the stp file sent to me? bphye85@gmail.com

  • DeafButterGuy

    Hi @nathan_ssi:disqus

    Great work, these Ar-10s look amazing. Could you please send me the Solidworks file for the Gen 1 and Gen 2 DPMS Receiver Set

    Thank you

  • Adam

    Hello, Could I please receive these files as Solidworks and .IGS files?

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Adam: e-mail sent.

  • dog

    I am interested in the cad model of the small frame 308 lower. Were did you get the dimensions to make the model and blueprint? Other blueprints I found have different numbers. None of them are the same so there is no reference to know which one is right.

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      I replied via e-mail as it’s a long reply.

  • Sal Spiezio


    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Sal: e-mail sent.

  • Jake

    Can I please get the solidworks file?

  • Tafshari

    would you please send me the step file for this model. Thank you!

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Thomas: e-mail sent.

  • Friend

    Could you send me a STEP? Thank you!

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Noah: e-mail sent.

  • godlyadvicedog

    Could I also get sent a step or solidworks file? Thank you!

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      e-mail sent.

  • Brandon D

    hello, may i get the step files for the receivers and bolt carrier. thank you sir!

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Brandon: e-mail sent.

  • M Colby Keith

    Good morning, May I get the files in .dxf or .igs format so I can open them in Esprit 2015? Thank you very much.

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      M. Colby: e-mail sent.

  • Nick B

    Can I please get the solidworks files for the large frame .308 receiver set?

  • Saufkopp

    Hello, pls can you send me .stl and/or .step file? thanks in advance.

  • Chris Jenson

    Could I get a copy of the solid model please. What is the difference between the Gen I and the Gen II?

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Chris: e-mail sent. The Gen1 is the older SR25/DPMS Large frame Platform, the GEN2 is the new one, you can check more info on Gen2 on: http://dpms-gii.com/full.html

  • David

    Please send me the step files. Thanks!

  • John

    Hi, can I trouble you for a copy of the SolidWorks file please?

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      John: e-mail sent.

      • Josh Swartwood

        can I get them as well

  • Steven Walker

    Can I please get these files in IGS format? Thanks and good day

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Steven: e-mail sent.

  • Ron phillips

    Can I get the .IGS fie? Thanks.

  • disqus_Acx9QXZL98

    Hey, could you please send me the files in .step?

  • madconfusion

    Very nice looking. It would be great to see this in a step or igs so I can check the measurements. Thanks

  • martin

    hello, could I get a step Model please?

  • shawn blough

    please send .sldpt or .sldasm

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Shawn: e-mail sent.

  • Allen M

    Can I get the STEP file? Thanks!

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Allen: e-mail sent.

      • Potbelly Smith

        Any chance I can still get the Step files?

  • nolan

    Hello can I get the STEP file for this set? thank you

  • Dinkus

    Could I get the SLDPRT files for this. Please and thanks.

  • Everton Porsch

    Need these file ready for CNC. Preferable in IGS format. How i make to buy?

  • Chris G

    Please send me the igs format file. Thank you!

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Chris: e-mail sent.

  • BK

    Hi, I couldn’t get the Edrawing to open. Could I get a copy of the full drawing (upper and lower) in .iges or .Sldprt? Thanks

  • George Hunter


  • Chase Messner

    Will you please send solidworks files. Thank you

  • Corey Henderson

    Solidworks files still available? 2019 or earlier..

  • Kurt Boeker

    Would like to purchase step files please. Emailed you.

  • Wayne Lehman

    Are models in step or native SolidWorks available?


    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Wayne: e-mail sent.

  • Zak

    Nathan, can I get the SolidWorks or STEP file for this?

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Zak: e-mail sent.

  • Joe

    Possible to get a igs file?

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Joe: e-mail sent

  • Bill

    I was wondering if I could also get this in igs format. Thanks!

  • Gunguy.308

    Any way to actually get a blueprint? I’m running Manuel machines.

  • Berryamendmentandcream

    Would it be possible for you to send me the small frame .308 (DPMS Gen II) files in Fusion 360 format? I just got a small desktop CNC and thought it would be a unique project. Thank you!

  • MEW

    Are models in step still available?

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      MEW: e-mail sent.

  • Mike Williams

    Hey Nate, looking to aquire the solidworks files for .308 DPMS Compatible Billet Receiver Set.

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Mike: e-mail sent.

  • John Doe

    May I please have the step/solid files for this great looking model? Thanks!

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Sir: e-mail sent

  • Slaven RC2

    Sir, is it possible for you to send me the drawings of a complete DPMS 308 large frame AR (or as many components as you have)?

    I am very impressed with your work.

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      E-mail sent, thanks for your words.

  • saul jeramir

    May I please have the step? big Thank you!

    • http://www.youtube.com/SSIDesigner Nathan F.

      Saul: e-mail sent.

  • alwe1803

    Would it be possible to get the Solid-Works Source Files

  • Mike Wells

    Hello, would you please email me the .stp files? Thank you for your efforts!