AR15 Receiver Set

AR15 Billet Receiver Set
Dimensional correct, taken from Colt AR15 Receiver Set.
Models are tested and proven, ready for CNC.
Models also available for sale in STEP/IGS file format as well as original SolidWorks Source Files.

  • David Rogers

    this is awesome can you email me the original solidworks parts file / source file thanks!!

    • David Rogers

      please and thank you kindly!

      • Nathan F.

        David: e-mail sent.

  • Brian Nallin

    Wow! This site is awesome! Would you please send me the original Solidworks parts file/source file for the AR15 as well as the .308 receiver set? Again, awesome site!

  • Arturo G Aguilar III

    Nathan F.
    I’m very impressed, Amazing work.. Would it be possible to get a copy of the AR-15 receiver set. The SolidWorks Source / parts files.
    Thank You Kindly. Art

  • alettoco

    Can you please email me your AR15 Lower print files along with the Solidworks file? This is great!

  • William goss

    NathanF These are awsome can I please get the soildworks files? Thanks a bunch!

    • Nathan F.

      William: e-mail sent.

  • vincentr01

    Hi, can you please e-mail me the SolidWorks files??

    • Nathan F.

      Vincent: e-mail sent.

  • Donald Leatherwood

    Can you email me the SolidWorks files as well? Thanks!

  • chris rose

    I’d like the Solidworks files please?

  • Eric Hinds

    May I also get the solid works files to this superb example of an upper and lower. Thanks

    • Nathan F.

      Eric: e-mail sent.

  • Charles R Watson

    Hi Nathan. Can you please email the Solidwoks files for the AR15 Upper and Lower. Thanks for your hard work.

  • Kenneth George

    If you could email a Solidoworks parts file that would be great

    • Nathan F.

      Kenneth: e-mail sent.

  • Tj Hill

    can you please email the Step/IGES

    • Nathan F.

      Tj: e-mail sent.

  • JimT

    Fantastic!!! Would you please send me the original Solidworks parts file/source file for the AR15 and .308 receiver set? This is a great!!!!!!!!!!

    • Nathan F.

      Jim: e-mail sent.

      • Ludwig Moser

        Could you send me those files too? Including the bold&carrier?
        Awesome work Nathan!!

  • Joberto Lee

    Could you send me the solidworks parts files for the AR15 Billet receiver set? Thanks!

  • Kevin

    Can you send IGS or Step files. Working with the model in Fusion 360

  • rblain82

    Can you please send me the solidworks models as well??

  • Vulcan1

    I would like to purchase these designs again. I did this a couple of years ago and have lost the files for the cad cam when my computer crashed. I have a small shop and want to make these in 80%. Please contact me as we are ready to move forward. Thank you in advance for contacting me C

    • Nathan F.

      Chris: e-mail sent

  • Jason Savage

    We would love the solidworks model if possible

    • Nathan F.

      Jason: e-mail sent.

  • Asgard

    would greatly appreciate the SLDPRT files for the upper and lower if possible. Thank you!

  • Vladimil Santana

    Hola Nathan, que tal como anda todo? Favor de contactarme cuando tengas una chance (, espero que tengas Buen Día…

  • Brian Hamm

    Can I get the .igs and .sldprt thanks.

    • Nathan F.

      Brian: e-mail sent.

  • Wayne Crampton

    Hi, would it be possible to get an IGES or STEP copy of these parts?

  • nicola de monte

    Hi Nathan, I would like to purchase, if it’s possible, all the set of AR15 models, in Solidworks format. Tell me what to do, please. Tank you for your work in advance. Nicola.

  • Brock

    How do we get the native SolidWorks .sldprt files?

  • Benjamin Flores

    could I also get the native SolidWorks .sldprt files?

  • Greg Allen

    Hey Nathan, beautiful models, was wondering if i could get the STEP/IGS file format for these models?
    Thanks, David

  • Greg Allen

    Hey Nathan, my email is:
    Thanks, David

    • Nathan F.

      David: E-mail sent.

  • Jason Acheson

    You should CNC these receiver sets as an 80% lower and sell them for those of us that don’t have access to a CNC, they would sell like hot-cakes.

    • Nathan F.

      Jason: e-mail sent.

  • Andrew Hoover

    Hey Nathan, could you email me the original SolidWorks files?

    • Nathan F.

      Andrew: e-mail sent.

  • Justin

    Could I get a .IGS or STEP file for this model. Thanks Nathan!

    • Nathan F.

      Justin: e-mail sent.

  • John Stewart

    looking for step models for the upper and lower could you email them to me please? Thank you in advance.

  • Thefixer Ishere

    Hi Nathan,

    can i please get the solidworks files for the parts for the AR15/16/308 stuff, thanks in advance

  • Brandon J Johnson

    Nathan, Great work here! Could you send me the soldworks files for this and the bolt carrier group?

    • Nathan F.

      Brandon: e-mail sent.

  • Casey Husband

    Nathan: I’m a student trying to learn solidworks. Could you send me the upper and lower receiver solidworks files for the AR-15 so I can look at them and try to learn the techniques? Thank you, it’d be greatly appreciated.

    • Nathan F.

      Casey: e-mail sent.

  • Randy Miller

    Nathan, Great work here! Could you send me the soldworks files for this and the bolt carrier group?
    Thank you!

    • Nathan F.

      Randy: e-mail sent.

  • Steve

    Hi, Could I get the sldpart Files of this set? Thanks,

    • Nathan F.

      E-mail sent.

  • Josh Meese

    Can you please send me this set and the gen II .308 receiver set as STEP files?

    • Nathan F.

      Josh: e-mail sent.

  • Zachary Buendia

    may I please get the stl files @ . Thank you so much

    • Nathan F.

      Zachary: e-mail sent.

      • Zachary Buendia

        Nathan F. Got email but did not see any files am I missing something sir

  • stretch.kerr

    Hi, I’m interested in the Soldworks files. Can you email me the details?

    • Nathan F.

      E-mail sent.

  • Russ Broka

    I’m interested in the AR15 Solidworks files. Can you email the details? Thanks!

    • Nathan F.

      Russ: e-mail sent.

  • Thefixer Ishere

    Hi Nathan, i’m interested in the AR15 Upper/Lower and bolt carrier group in STEP/ISG, can you please email these details, thank you in advance

    • Nathan F.

      e-mail sent.

  • Daniel Todd

    I would like the solidworks file for the matched ar-15 upper / lower

    • Nathan F.

      Daniel: e-mail sent.

  • Doug

    These models are works of art, straight up. Will you please e-mail me the SolidWorks files for both the upper and the lower? Thank you for sharing your incredible talent with the rest of us…

    • Doug

      Just in case it’s not clear that I’m on the AR-15 upper/lower page as I type this, it’s the AR-15 upper and lower that I fell in love with. 🙂

      • Nathan F.

        Doug: thanks for your words, e-mail sent.

  • Chad

    Hi Nathan… could I please get you to send me the files for this set? These are absolutely amazing… thank you so much for designing such a great looking set.

    • Nathan F.

      Chad: e-mail sent.

  • Jesus Valle Rios

    Hi Nathan… Will you please e-mail me the files for both the upper and the lower? These are absolutely amazing… thank you so much for designing such a great looking set. These models are works of art, straight up. Thank you for sharing your incredible talent with the rest of us…

    • Nathan F.

      Jesus: e-mail sent.

  • Your Planet Is A Toilet

    May I request the relevant STEP/IGS file formats and the SolidWorks Source Files for this beautiful upper and lower. Since I’m on a learning curve I would like to request the same for everything; the 308 upper/lower; the bolts, bolt carriers, etc.
    Might I make a suggestion; I see nearly every email is requesting copies of the same, why not post a d/l link for those files so that you’re not buried in email time? You’re a damn machinist-artist extraordinaire, many thanks for all this!!!

  • It’s me

    Hi Nathan… Will you please e-mail me the files for both the upper and the lower? These are absolutely amazing… thank you so much for designing such a great looking set. These models are works of art, straight up. Thank you for sharing your incredible talent with the rest of us…

  • Mike S.

    Hi, Im sure you’re busy cadding up other awesome pieces of functional art, but can you email me the STEP/IGS files for these. Thanks in advance

    • Nathan F.

      Mike: e-mail sent.

  • Saufkopp

    Awesome Work! Can you send me the .step/.igs file? thanks in advance.

  • michael kellam

    This is amazing. Nathan can i too please have the Solid works files? thank you!!!

    • Nathan F.

      Michael: e-mail sent.

      • Josh Swartwood

        can I get them as well. looking for solidworks on the Gen1 ar10 receiver set. ar15 receiver set. the bolt and bolt carrier for both as well.

        • Nathan F.

          Josh: e-mail sent.

  • claudio

    Hello, could I have step model please?

  • Kurt Boeker

    Beautiful. Any chanceI could get the an stl file please?

  • Jens Clark

    Hi Nathan, amazing work can i please have the Step/IGS files. Thank you 🙂

  • Michael Halama

    Great work! How do I get the stl file?

  • Kris J

    This is a really nice looking reciever. I’m amazed that you made creating this look so simple, its perfect. Can I please get the solid works and its file

    • Nathan F.

      Kris: e-mail sent.

  • minsung

    Your work is awesome. I have watched your youtube but sad to know that u only have one video. Can you send me STEP/IGS file for both AR15 & DPMS upper & lower receiver please?

  • Justin

    I love you what you are doing here, its nice that someone is finally going open source! I hope we can see more of your youtube videos soon. Could you send me the files in auto desk inventor files (.stl)? if not could i get the step and SolidWorks files?

  • Kelly

    Hey! I watched the video on youtube and slowed it down to quarter speed to try and follow what you were doing just to see later that you offer the file lol! Could you send me an email? .step would be nice 🙂 Thanks! Awesome work!

  • Jamir Gregson

    Amazing work! Can you send me the .step/.igs file for the upper and lower? thanks in advance

  • Jacob

    This “AR15 Billet Receiver Set” has to be the best I’ve seen.
    May i ask how much much the “STEP/IGS file” and SolidWorks “Source file” would be for this? Also the price for both the Bolt and Carrier you offer Please? i wish to build this as a project for my self 🙂

    • Nathan F.

      Jacob: thanks for your words, replied via e-mail.

      • Kelly

        Nathan, would you be able to send me the STEP/IGS as well? Thanks! 🙂 Awesome stuff!

        • Nathan F.

          Kelly: e-mail sent.

  • Cris Aranda

    Just watched your video and I have to say I’m amazed with all the detailed that goes into each part. If possible, would you send me the AR15 billet rec. set and the .308 small frame receiver set & bolt carrier group in STEP/IGS format. I just cnc’d my mill and would like to attempt to build one myself. Thanks in advance for sharing your time and effort.

    • Nathan F.

      Cris: e-mail sent.

    • Nathan F.

      Cris: Thanks for your words , e-mail sent.

  • Daniel Stausholm

    Could i get the sw files for the AR15 and .308, its just for playing with the programming of the parts in solidcam.

    • Nathan F.

      Daniel: e-mail sent.

  • Sliced Veggie

    Very interested in the original SolidWorks files. Its a brilliant service you’re doing for people aspiring to machine a receiver and the fact you’ve made a great looking receiver vs. a mil-spec forged design AND the fact you’re still helping out years after the original post. Way awesome.
    Thanks sir. I don’t know what you need, but if there is anything I can do in return, let me know.

  • 马jc

    I would also like to have the solidworks file! Thank you!

  • Li Yiyang

    That lower looks very nice. I was wondering if I could get the solidworks file? Thank you.

  • Wayne Beede

    Do you have the CAD in either Autocad Mechanical or Inventor?

  • Jason Russell

    I am interested in purchasing a STEP file.

    • Nathan F.

      Jason: e-mail sent.

  • Scott Koktavy

    I am interested in purchasing the STEP file.

    • Nathan F.

      Scott: e-mail sent.

  • jason

    I am interested purchasing ar 15 upper and lower solidworks files, also if avaliable blueprint..Thank you

  • Anthony Morris

    I’d like to purchase the ar15 receiver set

    • Nathan F.

      Anthony: e-mail sent.

  • Richard Cannella

    I am interested in purchasing the upper, lower, bolt carrier, and bolt files in solidworks for the AR15, Gen1, and Gen2….. Thanks

    • Nathan F.

      Richard: e-mail sent.

  • John Wildharber

    Are the drawings and solid models still available for the LR-308? Thanks.

    • Nathan F.

      John: e-mail sent.

  • John Varallo

    Possible to get the STL for upper and lower.
    John Varallo

  • Joël Koman

    Hi, can I possibly get the SolidWorks files?

  • Jeremy

    I am interested in purchasing the upper, lower, bolt carrier, and bolt files in solidworks for the AR15

    • Nathan F.

      Jeremy: e-mail sent.


    Very interested in you SolidWorks file! Any chance I could purchase them from you?

    • Nathan F.

      Sir: e-mail sent.

  • mark

    Interested in your model. How much for a copy of the model

  • Judd Mintz

    Can you please send pricing for AR 15 lower, upper and receiver set? IGS please

  • dan

    I sent an email yesterday , about sending me the complete set for ar-15 and 308AR files to purchase them from you, can you please check your email. Thank you

  • Judd Mintz

    Can you please send me AR Complete receiver set info to purchase files?

  • Judd Mintz

    I guess I’m talking to myself…LOL I’m assuming this site is not being actively monitored. Bummer

  • mark

    I’m still waiting for a reply also.

    • Nathan F.

      mark: e-mail sent.

  • Jonathan Smith

    what id the price SolidWorks Source Files.

    • Nathan F.

      Jonathan: e-mail sent.

    • Kirk

      did you ever get pricing?

  • ScienceNut

    I’m looking for the AR15 receiver set files. Can I get a price?

  • Kirk

    Looking for solid works prices, for 308 and 15/m4

  • saul pena

    HI i was looking to purchase the solid works file but I have some questions regarding setup.

  • Ravjot Dadiyal

    dont get it frm here cnc guns has free modules

  • Bill

    Could I also get this in igs format also? Thank you!

  • Corey J

    Hi, what are solid works prices for AR15 & 308 upper & lower receiver sets? Thanks

    • Nathan F.

      Corey: e-mail sent.

      • Corey J

        I never received the email. Could you re-send?

        • Nathan F.

          Corey: It probably went to your spam folder. I have re-sent it but from another e-mail address

  • Austin Jud

    Hey Nathan, could I get an inquiry on the price of the solidworks files?

    • Nathan F.

      Austin: e-mail sent

  • Ted Valerio

    Nathan, Can I get a price quote on the .308 (large frame) and AR15 STEP/IGES files? Thanks

    • Nathan F.

      Ted: e-mail sent.

  • disqus_s7GuhkeWAu

    Nathan, Can I get a price quote on the Small Frame .308 (DPMS GEN II COMPATIBLE) Billet Lower Receiver print??

    • Nathan F.

      Matthew: e-mail sent.

  • William

    Hello, I’m looking for a cad dwg for the m4 upper receiver. Would you be able to provide a cost for that? Thank you!

  • Mitch Pricer

    Hey Nathan, I would love to know the pricing on the CAD model for the complete AR 15 receiver set!

  • Alec Weiß

    Hey Nathan F. How much would a Step or Iges file cost?

    • Nathan F.

      Alec: e-mail sent.

      • Kevin Brown

        Hey I’m in need of a stl file on the dpms lower gen 2 would you be able to send me one

        • Nathan F.

          Kevin: e-mail sent

  • Recoil

    What’s the price on the solidworks files?

    • Nathan F.

      e-mail sent.

  • Kirk Melby

    Is there a native, (editable) solidworks version available? If so is it for sale?

  • Saif

    solidworks version available?

    • Nathan F.

      Saif: e-mail sent.

  • tafamaf

    Hello can you send the step file please

  • Adrien

    Hi !
    Can you send the files in .igs or .stl ?
    Thanks !

    • Nathan F.

      E-mail sent.

  • Jeffery Stine

    Please send me the price and payment link to purchase the AR 15 upper and lower set.